Night Guards
General Dentistry

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Night grinding is a troublesome and often health-damaging condition. You may not be aware that you are grinding your teeth at night, but the symptoms will tell a different story. Headaches, jaw pain, tooth pain, fractured or unevenly worn teeth all can be caused by grinding your teeth at night. Some signs will be visible upon examination by Dr. Watson but it is important to mention any of these symptoms as well.
Grinding can be caused by:
- Stress, worry
- Sleep disorders
- Abnormal bite
- Missing or crooked teeth
Dr. Watson will work with you to get to the root of the problem because it is critical for your oral, emotional, and physical health. Protect your teeth by sleeping with a night guard and help reduce or even eliminate the pain of night grinding. Hebron Family Dentistry can custom-fit a night guard for your mouth and give you a restful night’s sleep free of grinding and pain.
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