How Can You Keep Your Teeth Bright After Cosmetic Treatments?

Keeping teeth Bright After Cosmetic Treatments

Dr. Watson and our dedicated team at Hebron Family Dentistry are pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions to brighten your smile, including teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding, and dental veneers. But how can you maintain your bright, beautiful smile after cosmetic treatment? The following are tips to keep your smile at its best. 

Exploring Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Here is a look at our featured cosmetic dentistry options that are designed to deliver brighter, whiter smiles: 

  • Teeth Whitening: We are pleased to offer professional, in-office whitening options that can brighten your smile several shades in just one office visit. We also offer custom whitening trays and bleaching gel for those who want to whiten their teeth in the comfort of their homes. 
  • Cosmetic Bonding: Cosmetic bonding can be an ideal option for teeth that do not respond well to traditional whitening treatments. The procedure involves applying a tooth-colored composite material to your tooth surfaces to correct those little things bothering you about your teeth, instantly perfecting your smile.
  • Dental Veneers: Veneers are ultra-thin, porcelain shells we bond to the front surfaces of teeth to mask flaws and imperfections and improve the size, color, shape, or overall appearance of teeth. Your new restorations will instantly brighten your smile. 

How Can You Keep Your Smile Bright After Cosmetic Treatment? 

Here’s a look at some ways to keep your smile bright after cosmetic treatment: 

  • Good Home Oral Hygiene: It’s important to brush and floss your teeth regularly, particularly after meals, to remove plaque and keep your smile bright. We recommend using a soft-bristled brush to prevent damage to your tooth enamel or restorations.
  • Keep Up with Routine Dental Visits: Keeping up your routine dental cleanings helps remove plaque buildup and surface stains that can dull and discolor your teeth. Your cleaning visits also allow our team to monitor your teeth and address any oral health problems as they surface. 
  • Limit Dark Foods and Drinks: A helpful tip to keep in mind is the darker or brighter the food or drink, the more likely it is to stain your teeth. Just as coffee, black tea, red wine, and soy sauce can discolor tooth enamel, they can also discolor your restorations.
  • Drink Plenty of Water: Staying hydrated helps keep your smile healthy and bright. Water helps flush away food particles, neutralizes acids, and prevents dry mouth, maintaining a healthy smile and lowering the risk of teeth staining and discoloration. 

Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me in Hebron, KY

Hebron Family Dentistry proudly offers top-quality cosmetic dental treatments to keep your smile healthy and bright. If you would like to learn more about transforming your smile and caring for it after treatment, Dr. Watson and our patient-centered team are here to help. We invite you to contact us at 859-689-2021 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

What Is the Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings?

Why dental cleaning are essential

At Hebron Family Dentistry, we emphasize the importance of routine preventive dental care to maintain your oral health. We are pleased to offer professional dental cleanings to lower the risk of oral health problems and help you keep your smile bright and healthy for a lifetime. Discover why regular dental cleanings should be a priority and how they contribute to your overall health.

How Often Do You Require Dental Cleanings?

Most patients with healthy teeth and gums require twice-yearly dental cleanings. If, however, you have gum disease or are at a higher risk of developing dental problems, you may need more frequent care. We will evaluate your smile’s unique needs and recommend the frequency of cleanings to keep your smile in tip-top shape. 

Why Are Dental Cleanings Essential? 

Here’s a look at the importance of keeping up with your regular dental cleaning appointments:

Lowering the Risk of Cavities: Even with the most meticulous oral hygiene practices, plaque can harden to tartar (calculus), which only a dental professional can remove. Our skilled dental hygienist will gently clean off plaque and tartar built up on your teeth and gum line, which helps lower your risk of tooth decay, cavities, and more. 

Preventing Gum (Periodontal) Disease: Gum disease is a serious oral health concern that can have devastating impacts on your smile. It usually develops as a result of plaque and tartar buildup. Keeping up with your twice-yearly cleanings can lower the risk of gum disease and may even reverse the earliest stage of gum disease, known as gingivitis, enhancing your oral health. 

Early Intervention: Your dental cleaning visit will include a thorough evaluation of every aspect of your oral health. We will check for tooth decay, gum inflammation, signs of oral cancer, and so much more. Early detection and intervention help prevent minor problems from becoming complex, long-term oral health concerns.

Cleaner, Brighter Smiles: Removing plaque, tartar, and odor-causing bacteria during dental cleanings will help freshen your breath. We will also polish your teeth, which helps remove surface stains, leaving you with a cleaner, whiter, and brighter smile. 

Improved Overall Health: Studies have uncovered a strong link between your oral and overall health. Poor oral hygiene care has been closely associated with many serious health concerns, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Prioritizing regular dental cleanings not only safeguards your smile but also helps enhance your overall well-being.

Dental Cleanings Near Me in Hebron, KY

At Hebron Family Dentistry, we are committed to offering a range of preventative dentistry services to help you keep your smile healthy and bright for a lifetime. If you’re due for a dental cleaning or have any oral health concerns, we are here to help. We invite you to contact us at 859-689-2021 to schedule an appointment or request one online today! 

The Connection Between Your Oral and Overall Health

The Surprising connections between oral and overall health

The Connection Between Your Oral and Overall Health

Did you know that your oral health is closely connected to your overall well-being? Studies show that the state of your mouth not only influences your general health but can also uncover underlying health concerns. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we offer comprehensive preventive care to promote brighter smiles and healthier bodies. We look forward to caring for all your dental needs. 

The Relationship Between Oral and Overall Health

Your mouth is the gateway to your body’s wellness. Numerous studies show a strong link between your gum health and various systemic conditions, like heart disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and even pregnancy complications. That’s because the bacteria causing gum disease can enter the bloodstream and impact other parts of the body. Additionally, certain conditions, such as diabetes, can increase your risk of periodontal disease, which, in turn, can make it harder for your body to control your blood sugar levels.  

The Role of Your Dentist in Identifying Health Problems

Dentists are uniquely equipped to uncover signs of systemic illnesses during your regular, twice-yearly dental exams. Symptoms like swelling, bleeding gums, and mouth sores may sometimes point to serious health concerns. For example, bad breath, bleeding gums, dry mouth, and oral infections are often warning signs of diabetes. On the other hand, pale gums, a red tongue, or mouth corner inflammation may indicate anemia. By monitoring these oral symptoms, dentists play a critical role in the early detection of serious health concerns.

The Importance of Preventive Dental Care

Regular dental exams and cleanings are the cornerstones of preventive dental care, halting the onset or progression of dental disease. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we offer personalized care tailored to your needs for a brighter smile and better health. 

How Good Oral Hygiene Boosts Your Overall Health

Good oral hygiene does more than keep your teeth clean and lower the risk of cavities and gum disease. It has significant impacts on your overall health. This is why we emphasize the importance of regular brushing and flossing and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet. 

Here’s a look at how good oral hygiene can boost your overall health: 

  • Reducing Inflammation: Regular brushing and flossing help reduce gum inflammation and decrease the risk of periodontal disease, which has been linked to serious conditions like arthritis and heart disease.
  • Preventing Bacteria from Spreading: Maintaining a clean mouth helps prevent harmful bacteria from spreading to other parts of your body, potentially leading to serious complications.
  • Boosting Your Immunity: A healthy mouth supports a robust immune system, enhancing your body’s ability to fight diseases more effectively.

Preventive Dental Care Near Me in Hebron, KY

If you haven’t had a dental exam or cleaning in the past six months, visit Hebron Family Dentistry today. Our dedicated team offers preventive services tailored to your unique needs to keep your smile healthy and sound. Don’t wait until dental issues become health concerns. We invite you to contact us at 859-689-2021 to schedule an appointment or request one online today! 

What Are the Pros and Cons of Mouthwash?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy smile. Alongside brushing and flossing, many people turn to mouthwash for extra protection against cavities and gum disease. If you would like to learn more about preventative care and how to keep your oral health in tip-top shape, our dedicated team at Hebron Family Dentistry is here to help. We look forward to helping you maintain a healthy smile that lasts a lifetime. 

What Are the Pros of Mouthwash?

Mouthwash offers many benefits, including the following:

  • Kills Bacteria: Mouthwash contains antimicrobial ingredients that can help kill bacteria in your mouth. This is particularly useful for reaching areas that brushing and flossing alone may miss, reducing the risk of plaque buildup and gum disease.
  • Prevent Cavities: Some mouthwashes contain fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent cavities. Using a fluoride mouthwash can provide an extra layer of protection against tooth decay, especially for people who do not drink fluoridated water.
  • Freshens Your Breath: One of the most immediate benefits of using mouthwash is fresher breath. Mouthwash often contains ingredients like menthol or eucalyptus, which can leave your mouth feeling clean and your breath smelling minty fresh.
  • Convenient: Mouthwash is easy to use and can be a convenient addition to your oral hygiene routine. It takes just a minute or two to swish around your mouth, making it suitable for busy lifestyles or those who have difficulty brushing and flossing thoroughly.

What Are the Cons of Mouthwash?

Here’s a look at some of the cons of mouthwash: 

  • Alcohol Content: Many traditional mouthwashes contain alcohol, which can cause dry mouth and irritate your gums. For individuals with sensitive gums or a history of oral health problems, alcohol-free alternatives may be a better choice.
  • Masking Symptoms: While mouthwash can freshen breath temporarily, it may only mask underlying problems such as gum disease or tooth decay. Relying solely on mouthwash without addressing the root causes of bad breath or dental problems could lead to more significant issues down the road.
  • Potential Side Effects: Some people may experience side effects from using mouthwash, such as allergic reactions or irritation of the mouth tissues. It’s essential to read the label carefully and discontinue use if any adverse reactions occur.
  • Not a Substitute for Oral Hygiene Practices: Mouthwash should not be used as a substitute for regular brushing and flossing. While it can complement your oral hygiene routine, a toothbrush and floss are best suited for removing plaque and debris from your teeth and gums.

Preventative Care Near Me in Hebron, KY

Hebron Family Dentistry proudly offers quality preventive services to keep your smile healthy and sound. We are happy to answer questions and offer tips on home oral hygiene. Are you ready to take charge of your oral health? We invite you to contact us at 859-688-2021 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

Am I Experiencing a Dental Emergency?

Am I Experiencing A Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies can happen when you least expect them and may leave you wondering if you require urgent dental care. Left untreated, some of these emergencies can pose a serious risk to your health, so if in doubt, call Hebron Family Dentistry at 859-689-2021 for immediate care. Meanwhile, we’ve compiled a list of signs to help determine whether you are experiencing a dental emergency. 

Severe, Persistent Tooth Pain

Tooth pain can be persistent and can be so severe it keeps you up all night. If the pain radiates to the neck, jaw, or ear, it may indicate a serious infection. Contact us for an emergency appointment immediately if you have constant throbbing, increased sensitivity, or facial swelling. 

An Abscessed or Infected Tooth

Signs of a tooth abscess or infection can include severe tooth pain, puffy or bleeding gums, sensitivity to temperature extremes or touch, or a raised bump on the gums. A tooth infection can pose a risk to your health, so it’s imperative that you seek emergency care immediately. 

A Knocked-Out Tooth

Pick up the tooth only by its crown, avoiding the root, and rinse it in clean water to remove dirt or debris. Gently return the tooth to its socket and bite down on a clean gauze to keep it in place. If that’s not possible, carry it between your gums and cheek or place it in some milk. A knocked-out tooth is a time-sensitive emergency. Don’t wait. The sooner you get treatment from our emergency dentist, the higher your chances of saving the affected tooth. 

A Cracked or Broken Tooth

Rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area, and place cold compresses to relieve pain or swelling. Contact our office for emergency care. The treatment method will depend on the severity of the damage and the location of the affected tooth. 

Soft Tissue Injury

Injuries to the gums, tongue, or cheeks don’t usually result in too much bleeding, but when they do, they can become a serious concern. Place gentle pressure using a clean cloth or gauze to control the bleeding. If heavy bleeding continues, head to your nearest emergency room for immediate care. 

Other Dental Emergencies

Other situations requiring immediate care include bleeding gums, a loose or dislodged tooth, and a lost crown or filling. If in doubt, we recommend contacting Hebron Family Dentistry for guidance. Remember – a dental emergency may not seem as serious as it is, so it’s best to seek care to avoid complications. Dr. Watson will recommend the most conservative solution to relieve your discomfort and restore your healthy smile. 

Emergency Dental Care Near Me in Hebron, KY

If you or a loved one experiences a dental emergency, contact Hebron Family Dentistry at 859-689-2021 right away. Dr. Watson and our dedicated team are committed to providing cutting-edge emergency dental services for prompt relief. You can always count on us for compassionate care that exceeds your expectations!

5 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants 

5 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

Dental implants offer a superior solution for replacing missing teeth with unmatched stability, function, and aesthetics. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we offer a range of implant restoration options to complete your smile and enhance your quality of life. Here’s a look at five reasons to consider dental implants. 

What Are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are tiny titanium posts we place in the jawbone to replace missing tooth roots. They provide a stable foundation to support single crowns, implant-supported bridges, or implant-supported dentures. Whether you are missing one, several, or all of your teeth, a dental implant restoration may be the perfect solution for you!

What Is the Dental Implant Procedure? 

Our oral and maxillofacial surgeon will place your implant, which will integrate with the bone in a process known as osseointegration. After healing, which may take several months, we will attach a connector called an abutment and take impressions of your mouth. Our partner dental lab will use your impressions to create an implant restoration designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth. 

 Why Choose Dental Implants?

Here is a look at the top five reasons we recommend dental implants: 

  1. Natural Appearance: Dental implants are meticulously crafted to match your natural teeth, delivering incredibly lifelike results. Your new restorations will have you smiling with confidence once again!  
  2. Superior Stability and Function: Dental implants are anchored to your jawbone, providing stability comparable to natural teeth. They help you speak more clearly and enjoy all your favorite foods once again. 
  3. Prevents Bone Loss: Dental implants act like your natural tooth roots, which helps stimulate the jawbone. They are the only restorations that prevent bone loss, enhancing your oral health and preserving your facial structure. 
  4. High Success Rate: Dental implants have an incredibly high success rate of over 95 percent, with outcomes improving as technology and techniques advance. Implant dentistry is one of the most predictable and successful procedures in modern dentistry.  
  5. Long-Lasting: Dental implants are incredibly durable, providing a long-term tooth restoration solution. With proper care and maintenance, your new implant restoration can enhance your smile for a lifetime! 

Dental Implants Near Me in Hebron, KY

If you would like to learn more about restoring your smile with dental implants, contact Hebron Family Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Dr. Watson and her dedicated team are committed to delivering quality restorations that are second only to natural, healthy teeth. We invite you to contact us at 859-689-2021 to schedule an appointment or request one online today!

Restore Your Smile with a Dental Crown

Restore Your Smile with a Dental Crown

Hebron Family Dentistry is pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry solutions, including same-day crowns, to restore weak or damaged teeth. Dr. Watson and our dedicated team are committed to providing quality, durable restorations to enhance the health, beauty, and function of your smile. Contact our Hebron office to get started today! 

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, often referred to as caps, are tooth-shaped restorations that we place over weak or damaged teeth to restore their health and function. 

Dr. Watson may recommend a crown for the following reasons: 

  • To restore a tooth with deep decay that a traditional cavity cannot restore
  • To reinforce a tooth with a large filling
  • To protect a tooth after undergoing a root canal treatment
  • To strengthen a weak or damaged tooth
  • To repair a tooth worn due to chronic grinding and clenching (bruxism)
  • To relieve pain resulting from cracked tooth syndrome
  • To replace one or more missing teeth by covering a dental implant or supporting a dental bridge 
  • To make cosmetic modifications by improving the size, shape, color, or overall appearance of a tooth 

What Is CEREC Technology?

At Hebron Family Dentistry, we offer CEREC crowns, a groundbreaking innovation that has transformed the dental crown process. CEREC stands for “Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics.” The state-of-the-art technology allows us to create high-quality ceramic crowns in just one dental visit. 

The CEREC system uses computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) technologies to design and create dental restorations right here at our Hebron office. We capture virtual models of your crown without the need for messy impressions. Our on-site milling unit will use this information to create your restoration from a single ceramic block with incredible precision. Our aesthetic restorations mimic the function and appearance of your teeth, leaving you with a natural-looking and feeling smile. 

What Are the Advantages of CEREC Crowns?

  • Same-Day Restoration: One of the most significant advantages of CEREC technology is the ability to provide same-day restorations. A patient can come into our office with a damaged tooth and walk away with a fully restored smile in just one appointment, saving time and reducing inconvenience.
  • Precise Fit: CEREC uses digital impressions to create precise 3D models of the tooth, ensuring an accurate fit for the crown. This precision lowers the risk of complications and enhances the overall effectiveness of the restoration.
  • Natural Aesthetics: We manufacture CEREC crowns from high-quality ceramic materials that closely mimic the natural color and translucency of your tooth enamel. That results in restorations that blend in seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, delivering a natural-looking smile.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: CEREC crowns are known for their durability and longevity. The high-quality materials and precise manufacturing process deliver restorations that can withstand the forces of daily biting and chewing, enhancing your smile for many years to come.

Dental Crowns Near Me in Hebron, KY

Restoring your smile with a dental crown has never been easier or more convenient than with the cutting-edge CEREC technology proudly offered by Hebron Family Dentistry. Your new, same-day restoration will feel, look, and function like your natural teeth. We invite you to contact us at 859-689-2021  to schedule an appointment or request one online today! 

How to Whiten Your Teeth for the Holidays 

How to Whiten Your Teeth for the Holidays

If you are looking for solutions to whiten and brighten your smile in time for the holidays, Hebron Family Dentistry is here to help. We are pleased to offer professional teeth whitening treatments to restore your smile’s sparkle with beautifully natural results. Enjoy a bright, confident smile this holiday season and all year long!

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Over time, dark-colored foods and beverages like berries, coffee, and red wine can stain and discolor your teeth, as can the use of tobacco products. Tooth discoloration can also result from trauma, certain illnesses, or medications.  

In-office teeth whitening involves applying hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide gel to your tooth surfaces and using a special light to enhance the whitening process. The bleaching agent breaks down stains in the enamel and dentin layers, leaving your teeth several shades whiter and brighter in one short office visit. 

If you would rather whiten your teeth at home, we are happy to provide you with custom-fitted trays and professional-grade whitening gel. You’ll place some whitening gel in your trays and wear them for a few hours for about two weeks to achieve your desired results. Trusting our dental professionals for your teeth whitening needs is the safest and most effective way to transform your smile. 

Are You a Candidate for Professional Teeth Whitening?

While teeth whitening can brighten yellowish stains resulting from dark-colored foods and drinks or tobacco use, it may not be as effective for brown or gray stains resulting from trauma or the use of medications. Additionally, teeth whitening may not lift stains off dental restorations like tooth-colored fillings, crowns, or dentures.

If teeth whitening is not right for you, Dr. Watson may recommend a different cosmetic dentistry option, like cosmetic bonding, porcelain veneers, or dental crowns. Aside from improving the color of your teeth, your restoration will mask any tooth imperfections, delivering a uniform smile. 

Tips for Maintaining a White and Bright Holiday Smile

The holidays are often a time of indulgence and celebration, but there are ways to keep your teeth at their brightest. Here are some tips to help you maintain your smile’s sparkle this holiday season and all year long: 

  • Good Oral Hygiene: Maintaining good oral care is the foundation of a bright and healthy smile. Brush your teeth at least twice daily and floss daily to remove plaque and food particles that can dull and discolor your teeth. 
  • Limit Staining Foods and Drinks: While indulging in holiday treats can be tempting, be mindful of foods and drinks that stain your teeth, like coffee, red wine, berries, and dark sodas. If you must have your morning coffee, rinse with water or chew sugar-free gum to prevent new stains from setting in. 
  • Drink Plenty of Water: Water not only quenches your thirst but also helps wash away food debris and bacteria, preventing staining. It also helps promote saliva production, which naturally keeps your teeth clean and bright.
  • Eat Plenty of Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables: Munching on crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, pears, carrots, and celery stimulates saliva production, brightening your smile. Additionally, the fiber content acts like a toothbrush, gently scrubbing away plaque and debris.
  • Schedule Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings: It is important to maintain regular dental exams and cleanings during the holiday season and throughout the year. Dr. Watson and her team will address any concerns in their earliest stages and help you maintain a white and bright smile. 

Teeth Whitening Near Me in Hebron, KY

Visit Hebron Family Dentistry to learn more about whitening your teeth for the holidays. Dr. Watson and our dedicated team look forward to helping you enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile this festive season and all year long. We invite you to call us at 859-689-2021 to schedule your appointment today!

The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Your Dentist

The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Your Dentist

Has your partner or family member alerted you to loud snoring at night? Do you wake up tired and have trouble focusing on the simplest tasks? If so, you may have a serious sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. But did you know that there’s a strong link between sleep apnea and your dentist? 

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious health concern characterized by breathing pauses during sleep. The most common type of sleep apnea is known as obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. It occurs when the muscles at the back of the throat relax, obstructing the upper airway and preventing oxygen from reaching the lungs. The brain, sensing the oxygen deprivation, briefly wakes the patient to start breathing once again. 

Poor quality of sleep often leads to daytime fatigue, mood swings, depression, and difficulty concentrating. It can also lead to a higher risk of motor vehicle or workplace accidents. Sleep apnea is linked to serious health concerns, including heart disease, high blood pressure, acid reflux, and unexplained weight gain. 

What Is the Link Between Sleep Apnea and Your Dentist?

One of the first signs of sleep apnea can be grinding or clenching your teeth, a condition known as bruxism. Symptoms often include uneven tooth wear, chipped or fractured teeth, tooth sensitivity, gum inflammation, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders or TMD. 

Dentists are sometimes the first healthcare providers to recognize signs of sleep apnea. Even if you are unaware of your sleep disorder, a tooth exam may reveal tooth wear, gum inflammation, or other signs of sleep apnea. 

How Is Sleep Apnea Treated? 

The first step in treating sleep apnea is a sleep study to diagnose the condition. Treatments typically involve the use of a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure or CPAP machine, which blows pressurized air through a mask to keep the airway open as you sleep. 

Sleep Apnea Solutions Near Me

If you are concerned you have sleep apnea, talk to your healthcare provider or contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to schedule a consultation. Call us at 859-689-2021 to schedule your appointment today!

Can a Dentist Help Relieve My TMJ Pain?

Can a Dentist Help Relieve My TMJ Pain?

If you’ve been dealing with jaw pain or clicking, you may be suffering from a condition known as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or TMD. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we understand the frustration of chronic pain and are happy to offer custom TMD solutions to relieve your discomfort. You can count on Dr. Watson and our dedicated team for exceptional care that exceeds your expectations!

What Are the Causes of TMJ Pain?

Your TMJs are small, triangular-shaped joints that connect your jawbone to your skull. There are two TMJs on each side of the jaw, in front of the ears, allowing your jaws to move up and down, side to side, and back and forth. 

A temporomandibular joint disorder can leave you with debilitating pain in the jaws and surrounding muscles. Common causes may include genetics, arthritis, stress, jaw injury, crooked or missing teeth, or an uneven bite. TMD is often associated with chronic teeth grinding and clenching, a condition known as bruxism. 

What Are the Symptoms of TMD?

The most common tell-tale signs and symptoms of TMJ disorders include jaw joint pain and discomfort, a clicking, popping, or grating sound when opening or closing your mouth, and muscle pain in the cheeks and temples. Other symptoms may include tension headaches, facial pain, earaches or ringing, locking of the jaw, limited mouth movements, changes in how the upper and lower teeth fit together, and tingling of the extremities. 

What Are TMD Treatment Options? 

Dr. Watson will evaluate your concerns and recommend the most conservative TMJ treatment to relieve your discomfort. These may include facial exercises, muscle relaxers, or anti-inflammatory medication. Another option is a procedure known as occlusal equilibrium, which involves reshaping the biting surfaces of your teeth to help the jaw close properly. 

If nighttime teeth grinding is the cause of your TMJ discomfort, Dr. Watson may recommend oral appliance therapy. That includes wearing a mouthguard called a night guard to help prevent the devastating effects of bruxism on your teeth and jaws. Your custom oral appliance will also help realign your jaw as you sleep, taking tension off your jaw joints. In some severe TMJ cases, when a patient needs more than nighttime treatment, wearing dental splints during the day may provide the needed relief. 

TMD Treatment Near Me

If you are in search of non-surgical TMD solutions, our team at Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, is here to help. Dr. Watson will evaluate your unique needs and recommend the ideal solution to provide you with long-term TMJ relief. Call us at 859-689-2021 to schedule your appointment today!