Cosmetic Bonding or Veneers: Which One Is Right for Me?

Cosmetic Bonding or Veneers Which One Is Right for Me

Are you looking for ways to improve the appearance of your smile? If so, Hebron Family Dentistry can help. We offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions, including cosmetic bonding and dental veneers. Both can improve the shape, color, size, and overall appearance of your teeth, but they do so in different ways. The question is, which one is right for you? 

What Is Cosmetic Bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is an affordable and conservative cosmetic dental procedure that addresses those little things that bother you about your smile. It involves the application of a tooth-colored composite resin material to your tooth surfaces to instantly mask any imperfections. 

Dental bonding corrects a range of cosmetic concerns, including discolored teeth that do not respond to whitening treatments and cracked, worn, chipped, or damaged teeth. It can also improve the appearance of misshapen, uneven, gapped, or otherwise flawed teeth, delivering stunning smiles. 

What Are Dental Veneers?

Veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells that are custom-created for your smile. They fit over the front surfaces of your teeth, improving their color, shape, size, spacing, and overall appearance. Once in place, veneers deliver strength and resilience comparable to your natural tooth enamel.

Porcelain veneers are ideal for whitening severely discolored teeth and correcting gapped, worn, chipped, broken, crooked, or misshapen teeth. They improve the symmetry of your teeth, delivering your ideal smile. Dental veneers continue to grow in popularity as a simple and highly effective solution for a dramatic smile transformation. With proper care, your restorations can last 15 years or even more!

Dental Bonding vs. Veneers: Which One Is Right for You?

When deciding between veneers and dental bonding, it is important to consider your unique needs and desired treatment outcomes. As far as their appearance, both bonding and veneers are made to match your smile. However, veneers are stain-resistant, unlike the bonding material that may stain and darken over time. 

In general, tooth bonding may be ideal for patients with minor tooth imperfections wanting a quick, conservative, and cost-effective solution to improve their smiles. If, however, you have more significant cosmetic concerns or you’re looking for a total smile transformation with long-term results, porcelain veneers may work better for you.   

The best way to determine the ideal cosmetic solution for your smile is to talk to your trusted team at Hebron Family Dentistry. We will carefully evaluate your unique needs and recommend the best option to deliver a beautiful smile with lasting results. 

Cosmetic Bonding and Porcelain Veneers Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about transforming your smile. Dr. Watson will help you determine the ideal cosmetic procedure to achieve your desired results. You can count on our team for results that exceed your expectations. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

A guy showing his gum disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. The progressive condition is not painful in its early stages, so it often goes untreated. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we stress the importance of preventing, treating, and managing gum disease to ensure our valued patients enjoy healthy smiles that last.

What Is Gum Disease and What Are Its Causes?

Gum disease is an inflammation and infection of the tissues supporting the teeth, including the gums, ligaments, and bone. It usually results from plaque accumulation on the teeth and gum line, which irritates the gums, leading to inflammation. If not treated, periodontal disease can progress and cause irreversible damage to the tissue and bone holding the teeth in place, leading to loose teeth and, eventually, tooth loss.

Aside from plaque accumulation, risk factors for gum disease include poor oral hygiene, crooked teeth, tobacco use, family history, hormonal changes, certain medications, and some health conditions, including diabetes. The good news is that when detected early, gum disease can be managed or even reversed, preventing long-term damage to your oral health.

What Are the Signs of Gum Disease?

Symptoms of gum disease depend on how advanced the condition is. Some of the most common signs of gum disease include the following:

  • Red, tender, or swollen gums
  • Gum bleeding when brushing or flossing
  • Persistent bad breath
  • A bad taste in the mouth
  • Gum recession
  • Painful chewing
  • Changes in how the teeth fit together when you bite
  • Loose teeth or tooth loss

If you experience any of these signs and symptoms, make sure to visit Hebron Family Dentistry. The earlier gum disease is treated the better the outcomes.

Gum Disease and Your Health

Gum disease not only affects your smile but can also impact your overall health. Studies have shown a link between gum disease and serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, and more. That’s why keeping your gums healthy is one of our top priorities at Hebron Family Dentistry.

How Is Gum Disease Treated?

Treating gum disease starts with a deep cleaning procedure known as scaling and root planing. Scaling involves using an instrument called a scaler to remove plaque and hardened tartar from your teeth and below the gum line. Root planing cleans and smooths the tooth root surfaces, promoting gum tissue healing.

Scaling and root planing can reverse gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease. It can also stop the progression of periodontitis, preventing its damaging effects on your oral and overall health.

Periodontal Maintenance

After gum disease treatment, we typically recommend periodontal maintenance visits every three to four months. We will clean your teeth, measure the depth of your periodontal pockets, and evaluate the health of your gums. We will intervene, as needed, to maintain your gum health.

It’s also important to maintain regular dental care and good oral hygiene to keep your gums healthy and sound. That includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. The goal is to keep your gums healthy and your teeth intact for as long as possible.

Gum Disease Treatment and Management Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about gum disease prevention, treatment, and management for long-term healthy smiles. You can always count on Dr. Watson and her team for exceptional, compassionate care. Call 859-689-2021 to schedule your appointment today!

How Do I Maintain a Healthy Smile?

How Do I Maintain a Healthy Smile?

At Hebron Family Dentistry, we are proponents of prevention to ensure our valued patients enjoy healthy, beautiful smiles for life. We encourage you to maintain proper oral hygiene habits and stay current on your regular dental exams and cleanings to lower the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health concerns. We look forward to working alongside you to ensure your smile stays healthy and sound. 

How Often Should You See Your Dentist?

Most dental professionals agree that you should visit your dentist every six months for routine dental care. Dr. Watson may recommend more frequent visits for patients with periodontal disease or those at a higher risk of tooth decay. Most dental insurances cover twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings to detect early signs of dental problems and lower the risk of cavities, gum disease, and tooth loss. 

Routine Preventive Dental Services

Even with the most meticulous home oral hygiene practices, it’s important to visit Hebron Family Dentistry for your routine preventive care. Being proactive and preventing the onset or progression of dental disease will avoid the need for costly and complex treatments down the road. 

Maintaining a healthy smile will reflect on your overall health. Research shows a link between gum disease and serious health concerns, such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. 

Here’s a look at what you can expect during your routine dental visits:

Dental Exam: We will capture diagnostic x-ray images of your mouth to uncover problems we can’t see during a physical examination. These include early signs of tooth decay, bone loss, cysts, or other potential concerns. 

Dr. Watson will examine your teeth and restorations and evaluate your gums to detect and address any problems as they develop. She will also conduct a bite analysis, TMJ evaluation, and oral cancer screening to rule out abnormalities. Dr. Watson will use this information to create a personalized treatment plan to address any immediate needs and preventive measures required to restore and maintain a healthy smile.  

Dental Cleaning: Our dental hygienist will use a dental instrument called a scaler to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth and gum line. Next is professional flossing to remove any food particles or plaque from between your teeth. The final step is polishing your teeth to remove surface stains, leaving you with a whiter, brighter smile.

We may recommend a fluoride treatment, if needed, to strengthen your tooth enamel and make it more resistant to decay. Dental cleanings have been shown to lower the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. 

Home Oral Hygiene Tips for a Healthy Smile

It’s important to care for your smile at home between dental visits. That includes brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing regularly, and rinsing with an antimicrobial mouthwash. Regular brushing and flossing remove leftover food particles and plaque, lowering your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. 

Make sure to maintain a balanced diet to provide your teeth and gums with the nutrients they need to stay healthy. Avoid habits that can harm your oral health, including consuming sugary or acidic foods and beverages, biting down on hard objects, or using tobacco products. If you have any questions or need more tips on home oral hygiene practices, our team is here to help. 

Preventive Services Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about keeping your smile in tip-top shape. We’re happy to offer cutting-edge preventive dentistry solutions for long-term healthy smiles. You can always count on Dr. Watson and her team for state-of-the-art, compassionate care. Call 859-689-2021 to schedule your appointment today!

How Do I Prepare My Child for The First Dental Visit?

How Do I Prepare My-Child-for-Their-First-Dental-Visit

Your child’s first dental appointment is an important milestone, one that will lay the groundwork for lifelong oral health. You may feel a little anxious, and that’s perfectly normal. Our team at Hebron Family Dentistry is here to guide you and ensure your time with us is positive and free of stress. Here are some tips to prepare for your child’s first dental visit. 

When Should Your Child First Visit a Dentist?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends taking your child to see a dentist when the first baby tooth emerges and no later than the first birthday. Establishing a dental home and providing preventive care right from the start will ensure your child’s smile stays healthy and free of decay.

Tips to Prepare Your Child for the First Dental Visit

Here are some tips to ensure your child has a stellar first visit to the dentist:

Stay Positive: Your child will pick up on any fear or anxiety, so even if you’re not a fan of going to the dentist, your child doesn’t need to know. Stay upbeat and build up excitement as the big day approaches. 

Timing Matters: Schedule the first visit when you know your child will be rested and cooperative. Avoid nap times and feed your little one before getting to the office. Come to the appointment prepared. Download and fill out the new patient forms at home to save time during the first appointment. 

Role Play: Take some time to act out dentist’s visits and take turns being a dentist and caring for a favorite stuffed animal’s teeth. When it’s your turn, model a kind and caring dentist to set the stage for a happy visit. 

Read Books about Dentists: There are many books and videos about visiting the dentist. Snuggle with your little one while exploring the wonders of caring for young smiles. These activities will build up excitement about going to the dentist. 

Stay Calm: Even if your child acts out, stay calm and positive. We have seen it all and would like to reassure you that future visits will become better and better. Focus on positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. 

End the Visit on a Happy Note: Offer a reward or do something fun together after visiting the dentist to build positive associations. Wrapping up the visit on a happy note will ensure your little one is excited about future dental visits. 

Quality Children’s Dental Care Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about our pediatric dentistry services. Dr. Watson and her team are passionate about caring for young smiles. We will do everything we can to ensure your child’s first visit and every following visit are comfortable and happy. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Invisalign 101: Everything You Need to Know

Invisalign 101 Everything You Need to Know

If you are considering orthodontic treatment but do not want to deal with metal braces, you may want to consider Invisalign. The world’s most advanced clear aligner system will straighten your teeth and align your smile without impacting your life. A visit to Hebron Dentistry will help determine if Invisalign is right for you. 

What Is Invisalign and How Does It Work? 

Invisalign by Align Technology involves the use of a series of custom-made clear aligners that fit snugly over your teeth, gently pushing them and guiding them into position over time. You will need to wear your aligner trays for 20-22 hours each day to keep your treatment on track. About every two weeks, you will move on from one set of aligners to the next in the series, following your custom treatment plan. 

Are You a Candidate for Invisalign? 

Invisalign is ideal for adults and teens, with Invisalign Teen featuring compliance indicators to ensure adequate usage. The revolutionary orthodontic solution treats a range of concerns, including crooked, gapped, or crowded teeth and problems with the bite, such as underbites, overbites, open bites, and crossbites. Our team at Hebron Dentistry will examine your teeth and help you determine if Invisalign is right for you.  

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign’s aligners are virtually invisible, making them an excellent option for individuals who are self-conscious about wearing braces. They are made from a smooth, BPA-free material that won’t rub against your cheeks and gums like metal wires and brackets. Another advantage is that you can remove the aligners, so you won’t have any food restrictions as with traditional braces, and you will brush and floss with ease. 

Invisalign treatment is highly predictable. The SmartTrack material and SmartForce features place pressure as needed, shifting your teeth into place with incredible precision. Your virtually invisible braces can align your smile up to 50 percent faster than traditional braces! 

How Does the Invisalign Process Work?

During your initial consultation, we will evaluate your smile’s needs, take digital x-rays, and capture 3D scans of your teeth. Next, we will map out your custom treatment plan, including the precise movement of your teeth and the anticipated length of treatment. The best part is that you will get to preview your new smile. 

We will send your 3D model and treatment plan to an Invisalign lab where your custom aligners are crafted. When they are ready, we will show you how to use them and care for them. Once in place, your new invisible braces will get to work, gently shifting your teeth into alignment. 

Invisalign Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about Invisalign and to determine if the virtually invisible orthodontic solution is right for you. Dr. Watson and her team look forward to getting you on track to the smile of your dreams. Call 859-689-2021 to schedule a consultation today!

What Is the Dental Implant Procedure?


If you are tired of missing teeth or dealing with uncomfortable dentures, you have come to the right place. Hebron Family Dentistry is pleased to offer dental implants, today’s gold standard for replacing missing teeth. A visit to Hebron Family Dentistry will have you on your way to a healthy, beautiful, and confident smile!

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium, screw-like posts that are placed in your jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots. They integrate with the jawbone, providing an incredibly stable and secure foundation for restorations made to look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. Dental implants offer a reliable and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring your confident smile. 

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make for your smile. Dental implants are the only restorations that act like natural tooth roots, preventing bone loss and providing a stable foundation for replacement teeth that are second only to natural, healthy teeth. 

With implants, you’ll speak with clarity, eat everything you want without restriction, and smile with confidence once again. With proper care, your implant restorations can enhance your smile and quality of life for a lifetime!

What Is the Dental Implant Procedure?

The process will begin with placing a titanium implant in your jawbone to replace your missing tooth roots. During the healing period, which typically takes a few months, the implant will fuse to your bone in a process called osseointegration. When the healing process is complete, we will place a connector called an abutment onto your implant and, once again, wait for the area to heal. The last step is taking an impression of your mouth to create a dental crown made to match the surrounding teeth. 

Placing an implant restoration may take a few months to complete as you wait for healing to take place. However, the superior quality of dental implant restorations makes the process well worth the time and effort. 

How Should You Care for Dental Implants?

Maintaining meticulous oral hygiene habits will ensure the long-term success of your implants. Make sure to brush and floss regularly and visit Hebron Family Dentistry for routine dental exams and cleanings. We will monitor your smile to ensure your restorations and your oral health stay in tip-top shape. 

Dental Implants Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about restoring your healthy, functional smile with dental implants. Dr. Watson and her team are committed to providing exceptional, gentle care using leading-edge technology and techniques. Call 859-689-2021 to schedule a consultation today!

How Long Do Same-Day Crowns Last?

How long do same day crowns last min

Hebron Family Dentistry is pleased to offer cutting-edge CEREC technology, which allows us to design and place a custom dental crown in just one short office visit. The convenient same-day restorations eliminate the hassles of traditional crowns, including messy putty impressions, wearing a temporary crown, waiting weeks, and taking time away from your busy schedule for multiple appointments. The question is, how long do same-day crowns last?

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, sometimes referred to as caps, are tooth-shaped custom restorations that encase the visible portions of weak or damaged teeth. They are commonly used for the following purposes:

  • To restore teeth with deep decay
  • To support teeth with large or damaged fillings
  • To hold together cracked or fractured teeth
  • To strengthen teeth after root canal therapy
  • To replace missing teeth by covering dental implants or supporting dental bridges
  • To make cosmetic enhancements in terms of a tooth’s color, size, shape, or alignment

Same Day CEREC Crowns – An Overview

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. The state-of-the-art system designs and produces high-quality porcelain restorations in a single appointment. CEREC uses computer-aided design or CAD and computer-aided manufacture or CAM technology to capture digital impressions of your teeth and create virtual, 3D models of your crown without needing messy impressions.

The digital model of your crown is sent to our on-site milling machine, which will create your ceramic restoration out of a single block of porcelain closely matched to the color and texture of your natural teeth.

How Long do CEREC Same-Day Crowns Last?

Many patients wonder if their same-day restorations are of the same quality as traditional crowns. You can rest assured that the porcelain ceramic same-day crowns are not only convenient and beautiful, but they are also incredibly durable, with the potential of lasting 10 to 15 years or even longer.

There are things you can do to ensure the longevity of your restoration. Make sure to brush and floss regularly and avoid hard foods which can chip or break your crowns as well as your natural tooth enamel. Limit sticky foods which can loosen your crown and are harder to remove, increasing your risk of tooth decay or gum disease. Make sure to avoid biting your nails or using your teeth for tasks more suited for tools. If you grind or clench your teeth in your sleep, a custom night guard can help protect your crown and your teeth from damage.

Lastly, it’s important to maintain your professional twice-a-year dental exams and cleanings. Dr. Watson and her team will ensure your smile stays healthy and your same-day crowns stay in tip-top shape!

Same-Day Dental Crowns Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about restoring your smile with a durable, aesthetic same-day crown. You can count on Dr. Watson and her exceptional team for the state-of-the-art care you deserve. Call 859-689-2021 to schedule a consultation today!

How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Transform My Smile?

HoCan Cosmetic Dentistry Transform My Smile

If tooth flaws have you hiding your smile, your trusted team at Hebron Family Dentistry is here to help. We’re pleased to offer a range of cosmetic dentistry solutions focused on improving the color, shape, size, or overall appearance of your teeth with dramatic, long-lasting results. A consultation with Dr. Watson will get you on track to achieving a smile that will make you want to smile!

What Are the Most Sought-After Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures?

The following are some of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures offered right here at our Hebron office:

Teeth Whitening: If you’re in search of a solution to virtually erase teeth staining and discoloration, you’ve come to the right place. We’re pleased to offer in-office professional whitening treatments to brighten your teeth several shades in just one short office visit. We’re also happy to provide you with custom trays and a professional-grade bleaching gel if you’d rather whiten your teeth at home.

Cosmetic Bonding: Cosmetic bonding involves the application of a tooth-colored resin to your tooth surfaces to instantly mask any imperfections. The affordable and conservative cosmetic dentistry solution fixes those little things that may be bothering you about your smile. From repairing decayed, chipped, or cracked teeth to protecting exposed tooth roots, correcting the size or shape of teeth, closing small gaps between teeth, and covering stained and discolored teeth, cosmetic bonding delivers a flawless smile every time.

Dental Veneers: Veneers are wafer-thin porcelain shells that fit over your teeth to improve their color, shape, size, spacing, and overall appearance. These custom restorations are perfect for whitening severely discolored teeth and correcting gapped, chipped, broken, crooked, worn, or misshapen teeth. Porcelain veneers provide strength and resilience comparable to natural tooth enamel, dramatically improving your smile’s health and appearance.

Invisalign Clear Aligners: Invisalign, brought to you by Align Technology, is the world’s most advanced clear aligner system. Virtually invisible aligners worn snugly over your teeth will gently and discreetly straighten misaligned teeth without impacting your life. Imagine achieving the smile of your dreams without anyone having to know!

Same-Day Crowns: Dental crowns are tooth-shaped restorations used to repair teeth with large fillings, cover severely stained teeth, and improve the shape, color, size, length, and appearance of not-so-perfect teeth. Our same-day crowns look just like your natural teeth, delivering a seamless smile in one short office visit!

Dental Implants: Dental implants are the gold standard for replacing one or more missing teeth with unmatched results. Small titanium posts placed in your jawbone replace missing tooth roots, stimulating the bone in the area and preventing bone loss. Dental implants provide an incredibly stable foundation to support implant restorations, such as single crowns, implant-supported bridges, and implant-supported dentures. Your restorations will look, feel, and function just like your natural teeth!

Cosmetic Dentures and Partials: Dentures offer an affordable and time-tested solution to restore one or more missing teeth. Today’s modern dentures are sleeker, lighter, and more comfortable than ever. Once in place, a cosmetic complete or partial denture will allow you to chew your foods with ease, speak clearly, and smile with confidence once again!

Cosmetic Dentistry Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about transforming your smile with the help of our cosmetic dentistry solutions. Whether you want to correct minor tooth flaws or want a total smile makeover, Dr. Watson will create a treatment plan with one or a combination of cosmetic dentistry solutions to achieve your desired results. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

What Should I Expect During a Comprehensive Dental Exam?

Hat Should I Expect During A Comprehensive Dental Exam

At Hebron Dentistry, we believe in prevention as the first line of defense against tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems. When you first visit our office, we’ll conduct a comprehensive oral health exam to determine your immediate needs and plan for future dental care. Our goal is to ensure our valued patients enjoy healthy smiles for life. Here’s a look at what you can expect during your visit.

Your History and Personal Goals

Dr. Watson will spend some time getting to know you, your unique needs, and your goals for your oral health and your smile. She will ask you about your medical history, any health conditions, and current medications. She will also ask about any previous or current oral health concerns.

Digital Dental X-Rays

We will take x-rays of your mouth to get a closer look at what’s happening below the surfaces of your teeth and gums. X-ray images uncover a wealth of information not visible during a physical examination, including early decay, bone loss, cysts, tumors, and so much more.

TMJ Examination

We will evaluate the health and condition of your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and surrounding structures. We will also assess your bite and check for signs of teeth grinding, a condition known as bruxism.

Oral Cancer Screening

An oral cancer screening is a quick, easy, and potentially life-saving procedure. It involves thoroughly examining the soft tissues in the oral cavity and the surrounding muscles to rule out any abnormalities. Detecting oral cancer early on offers the best chance for positive treatment outcomes.

Tooth by Tooth Exam

A tooth-by-tooth examination involves taking a close look at each of your teeth to rule out tooth decay, chips, or cracks. We will also assess the condition of your tooth enamel to determine whether you’re at risk of tooth decay. The last step is examining and charting existing restorations and ensuring they are free from damage.

Periodontal Evaluation

We will evaluate the health of your gums and look out for signs of periodontal (gum) disease. Treating gum infection and inflammation in the earliest stages can fully restore your gum health. Left untreated, periodontal disease can destroy the bone and tissues supporting the teeth, leading to loose teeth and tooth loss.

Next Steps

Dr. Watson will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan based on your comprehensive evaluation. She will recommend the most conservative treatment options to repair any tooth damage and restore your oral health. She will also discuss preventive measures to keep your smile healthy and bright.

Comprehensive Dental Exams Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about our comprehensive dental exams. Dr. Watson and her outstanding team are all about prevention to maintain healthy smiles for life. Call 859-689-2021 to schedule your appointment today!

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

How long do dental sealants last

Maintaining good oral hygiene practices, including daily brushing and flossing, is one of the best ways to prevent cavities and maintain a healthy smile. However, it’s not always possible to effectively clean every groove and crevice, especially on those hard-to-reach areas on the molars at the back of the mouth. Dental sealants provide a barrier to protect your teeth, keeping tooth decay and cavities at bay. 

What Are Dental Sealants?

Sealants are thin, protective coatings made of a clear plastic resin material. We easily paint them onto the tooth surfaces of the back teeth to smooth out the depressions known as pits and fissures. That essentially seals out bacteria and food particles, protecting your pearly whites. Applying sealants is painless, doesn’t require anesthesia, and takes a few short minutes to complete. 

Dental sealants have been shown to lower the risk of tooth decay by nearly 80 percent in permanent molars. They can even stop the early stages of decay from progressing and becoming cavities. Placing dental sealants will prevent the need for extensive dental treatments down the road. 

Who Is a Candidate for Dental Sealants?

Children and adults are perfect candidates for dental sealants; however, the earlier these protective coatings are placed on permanent teeth, the better. The first set of molars starts appearing around age 6, while the second set comes in around age 12. Sealing the chewing surfaces of molars and premolars as soon as they erupt helps prevent tooth decay right from the start. 

Candidates for sealants also include patients of any age who have a history of decay or those who have deep grooves or depressions on their teeth, which provide the perfect environment for cavity-causing bacteria to flourish. Sealants also benefit patients with lifestyles that promote dental problems, including smoking, eating plenty of sugary treats, neglecting oral hygiene care, and maintaining poor diets. 

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

Dental sealants have the potential to last up to ten years with proper care. However, they may begin to show signs of wear over time. When you come in for your twice-a-year dental visits, our team at Hebron Family Dentistry will check your sealants to ensure they are still intact. If we see signs of wear or damage, we will reapply the protective coatings, so they continue safeguarding your smile. 

Dental Sealants Near Me

Contact Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about our preventive dentistry procedures, including dental sealants. Dr. Watson and her team are all about prevention to maintain healthy smiles for life. Call us and schedule your appointment today!