Why Do I Have Bad Breath and How Do I Treat It?

Why Do I Have Bad Breath and How Do I Treat It?

Almost everyone has had an occasional brush with not-so-fresh breath. In fact, studies show that more than 50 percent of adults have dealt with bad breath at one point. The good news is that simple lifestyle changes and a little help from your trusted team at Hebron Family Dentistry will allow you to enjoy fresh breath and a healthy, confident smile.

What Are the Causes of Bad Breath?

Most cases of bad breath, a condition known as halitosis, result from poor dental hygiene. Without daily brushing and flossing, the food particles left in the mouth promote the growth of odor-causing bacteria between your teeth, around your gums, and on your tongue.

Foods such as onions and garlic can cause an unpleasant odor when they break down. Crash diets, including fasting and very low-carbohydrate diet programs, are also known to cause bad breath. That’s because the breakdown of fats results in the production of chemicals called ketones that produce a powerful odor in the mouth.

Other factors contributing to halitosis include the use of tobacco products, dry mouth, tooth decay, gum disease, infections, sores, and ill-fitting dental appliances. It can also result from the use of certain medications or from medical conditions, including diabetes, chronic acid reflux, respiratory tract infections, sinusitis, and postnasal drip. Sometimes, small, bacteria-covered stones form on the tonsils, resulting in an unpleasant odor.

Preventing and Treating Bad Breath

The best way to prevent or reduce halitosis is to maintain proper oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash. Make sure you clean your tongue as well because bacteria, food, and dead cells often build-up, leaving an unpleasant odor. You’ll need to thoroughly clean any dentures, bridges, or mouthguards to keep your breath fresh.

Cutting down on odor-causing foods helps combat halitosis, as does quitting smoking. It’s also important to drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist. If you have a dry mouth, sugarless gum can help.

If your bad breath persists, you may want to visit Hebron Family Dentistry. We will treat any oral health conditions that could be causing your bad breath. We may also recommend visiting your healthcare provider to rule out health conditions that may be contributing to your bad breath. In all cases, we recommend maintaining your twice-a-year dental exams and cleanings to keep your oral health in tip-top shape and to keep halitosis at bay.

Halitosis Treatment Near Me

Visit Hebron Family Dentistry in Hebron, KY, to learn more about preventing and treating bad breath. Dr. Watson and her team will work with you to eliminate your bad breath and give you the confidence to get up close and personal. Are you ready to kiss bad breath goodbye? Call us and schedule your appointment today!