Emergency Dentistry

Florence, KY

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Emergency Dentistry Services

Unfortunately, emergencies happen more often than we'd like. When you have a dental emergency, panic can set in as you wonder, "Where can I find emergency dentistry near me?" Fortunately, Hebron Family Dentistry in Florence, KY, is ready to help!

What Is Emergency Dentistry?

Dental emergencies can be very serious and generally need to be addressed immediately. Some examples of dental emergencies are:

  • Knocked out teeth
  • Cracks or fractures
  • Infection or abscess
  • Soft tissue damage

If you are experiencing excessive bleeding or pain or you have sustained a blow to the face, you may require emergency dental services.

How Can Emergency Dentistry Help?

When you are experiencing a dental emergency, the first thing to do is to contact us at Hebron Family Dentistry to make the first available appointment. We will make sure that your care is a priority. Next, our dentist, Dr. Valerie Watson, will evaluate your situation and complete a thorough plan of care to best remedy the emergency. For example, if you are experiencing an infection, we will address the issue of pain and get the infection under control with the suitable treatment.

What Can I Expect During My Emergency Dentistry Appointment?

We understand that this is most likely a very stressful time. You can expect us to be understanding of your situation as we evaluate the appropriate ways to help. One of the first ways we will evaluate damage is by taking X-rays or performing other discovery exams. If emergency surgery is necessary, we will prepare you for the procedure while making you as comfortable as possible.

How Can I Avoid a Dental Emergency?

Sometimes, emergencies can't be avoided. A wayward baseball or accidental fall can result in dental emergencies that need to be addressed immediately and could not be prevented. Other emergencies can be avoided with preventative care, including keeping up with regularly scheduled cleaning and wellness appointments.

Where Can I Find Emergency Dentistry Near Me?

Emergencies are rarely convenient, so having a trusted dentist like Dr. Watson nearby is vital. Not only can we help you prevent emergencies by providing general dental care, but we are also here for you in emergency situations as well.

Although emergencies can't always be avoided, the best possible outcomes can be achieved when you visit Hebron Family Dentistry in Florence, KY. Count on our professionalism in emergency situations and for all your dental needs any other time.

Request your appointment today!

At Hebron Family Dentistry, we make it convenient to plan your visit. Simply follow the link to request an appointment time that fits your busy schedule.