Teeth Whitening

Union, KY

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Brightening Your Smile With Teeth Whitening

Keeping your smile beautiful involves taking care of your teeth and gums. It also is possible to get a little help through teeth whitening. As you get older, you may start to notice that your teeth are not as white as they used to be. If you are a smoker, over time your teeth will get stained. The same is true if you enjoy drinking wine, coffee, or tea.

When you are whitening your teeth, you are essentially bleaching them so they look whiter. It is considered a cosmetic procedure. There are a number of professional treatments you can undergo to remove stains from your teeth. These procedures are safe and won't damage your teeth. You will also feel more confident when smiling. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we offer these services to enhance your smile.

Teeth Whitening Near Me: Options and Cautions

If you would like your teeth whitened, you need to be 18 or older and have good oral health. You will need to go for an initial consultation to have your teeth and gums examined. When you meet with Dr. Valerie Watson, our dentist at Hebron Family Dentistry, she will discuss your options with you.

Teeth can become darker as a result of a root canal. If that is your case, you may have to undergo internal teeth whitening. In order to do this, the hole in your tooth will have to be reopened. Dr. Watson will place a whitening gel inside the tooth. Afterward, she will close the hole with a temporary filling. This will have to be done two or three times with a week's break between treatments. Then, Dr. Watson will close the hole permanently with a filling to match the color of the tooth.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it may be best to avoid whitening products, as there is no consensus on whether these products can affect babies. When you whiten your teeth, your veneers, crowns, or bridges won't be whitened. Veneers and crowns are other options we offer for discolored teeth if you can't whiten your teeth.

Maintaining Your Teeth Whitening

After your teeth have been whitened, you have to care for them so the bleaching can last a long time. One way is to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes using toothpaste that contains fluoride. Flossing can also help.

Visiting Dr. Watson at regular intervals can help with that as well. You should also avoid smoking as well as foods and beverages that can stain your teeth.

Teeth Whitening Near Me

A brighter smile will give you the confidence to show off your smile. Even with the many whitening procedures that are available, there are things you can do to maintain your white smile. You can consult Dr. Watson to decide on the appropriate course of action in addressing your discolored teeth. At Hebron Family Dentistry, we can address your other dental needs as well. We offer the highest standard of care. Contact us today.

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